ats for startups
ats for startups


Transform your reference handling

Automate your reference checks for swift, insightful evaluations. Create custom onboarding plans for each new hire and fuel long-term retention.

Prioritise growth, not chasing referrals

Gather faster, more insightful reference checks tailored to your needs. Confidently secure top talent ahead of competitors.

Swift Turnaround

Capture references within 48 hours and enjoy a sector-leading 97% completion rate

Automated Surveys

Prompt candidates to nominate referees and trigger surveys to assess soft skills

Downloadable Reports

Access and share detailed reports with hiring managers for strategic decisions

In-depth candidate evaluation

Optimise final evaluations with insights into candidate strengths and challenge areas.

best ats for small business
best ats for small business
Soft Skill Analysis

Assess soft skills, strengths, and growth areas with targeted behavioural questions

Self Assessment

Enable candidates to self-assess soft skills and competencies in alignment to role

Powerful Analytics

Obtain holistic views with detailed, skill-specific rankings and qualitative feedback

Quality Comparison

Compare referee and candidate assessments for comprehensive role fit evaluation

Follow-Up Strategy

Leverage data as desired for meaningful follow-up discussions with referees

Ensure candidate suitability
and enhanced fit, every time.

Ensure candidate suitability and enhanced fit, every time.

Ensure candidate suitability and enhanced fit, every time.

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